Cheri's Bookseller Online Network

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Does anyone have a program for managing their inventory and invoicing that they are thrilled about? If so, what do you like about it?

I'm looking at using Abebooks HomeBase. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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We use Basil Bookstore Software in our open store. We put the book in one time, can sell in the store, online, or at amazon, abe, and about 6 others I don't use. When we sell the book at any market, the program updates all the other markets. It works with new and used book in a buy, sell , trade and you set the rules and can change on the fly. We operate an open bookstore and a web site with this program and it is set up to update the web every hour for our stock. We also get all the normal reports from any POS system. Their web site is I got their program at the spring book show in Atlanta this year and I think it is great. My favorite part is when I add a book I get an automatic look of the amazon price, kinda like a scouting tool. This program replaced three stand alone programs for us.
Hope this helps, Now or in the future,
Billy, Thanks for the info. I sell strictly online so it looks like this program would cost me too much. I did find the Art of Books online and am currently using it.

Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. I love learning about other products out there too.



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